Lyan Packaging invest in the local community by supporting bursary scheme at Theatr Clwyd
See dates and times 22 Dec 2022
News Story
Earlier this year Theatr Clwyd introduced a bursary scheme, ensuring opportunities for all.

Sarah Hutchins, Alex Pawley and Hester Evans
Credit: Brian RobertsAs a cultural hub in North Wales, Theatr Clwyd creates award winning projects working throughout the community, providing weekly workshops and projects across many art forms including theatre, music, visual art, creative writing and dance. These sessions encourage people to find their voice and develop their creative potential.
The bursary scheme ensures that finances are not a barrier for people to attend these sessions. Each bursary is bespoke to the individual and could include funding places on a project, providing transport to and from sessions, food for a young person attending day sessions or creating “next step pathways” once individuals have completed a project. Bursaries are granted on a trust initiative with no additional questions asked and the programme’s flexibility allows rapid response where help is needed most.
Lyan Packaging are a leading UK supplier of bespoke packaging solutions based in Wrexham and have been longstanding supporters of the community work at Theatr Clwyd. The partnership has grown over the past four years, during which time they have supported a range of community projects including workshops for those with early-onset memory loss and their family and friends (Memory Arts Café) and for young people with additional needs (Fuse). This year, in addition to continued support for existing activity, Lyan Packaging have increased their commitment to Theatr Clwyd’s new bursary scheme.
This invaluable funding has meant that people who might otherwise have been excluded from Theatr Clwyd’s opportunities are able to participate. Since launching the bursary programme formally in September, Theatr Clwyd have provided funding for transport for 15 people and bursaries for 42 people. Lyan Packaging’s support has contributed towards this along with other funders and supporters.
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Sponsorship of Theatr Clwyd stood out to us as an opportunity to support a worthy cause within our local community and we are delighted to be able to provide continued support. As a sponsor, it’s a pleasure to see the impact of the various projects, and to see exactly what our sponsorship helps towards.Alex Pawley, Lyan Packaging, Sales and Marketing Director
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At Theatr Clwyd we strive to provide opportunities for everyone and never want anyone to be excluded. We are so grateful for the support from Lyan Packaging as it allows us to continue to offer and grow our bursary scheme.Gwennan Mair, Theatr Clwyd, Director of Creative Engagement
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Lyan Packaging, alongside a small group of corporate supporters at Theatr Clwyd, are paving the way in providing key financial, philanthropic, support to Theatr Clwyd. This is a relatively new line of income for the charity, but early on Lyan Packaging recognised the importance of the work we do in the community. With their encouragement, we’re seeing more interest and financial support as we extend the opportunities available to our local business community. We’re incredibly thankful to Lyan Packaging for their renewed commitment, we hope our relationship continues into the foreseeable future!Sarah Hutchins, Theatr Clwyd, Development Manager
Lyan Packaging’s continued support has been recognised by Arts & Business Cymru and gained extra support from their CultureStep scheme.
If you would be interested in providing corporate support to Theatr Clwyd, please contact Theatr Clwyd’s Development Manager or visit here