News Story

We're doing an open call to find professional theatre companies, independent producers and individual performers around the UK and beyond who are touring professional shows in 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Every year we programme hundreds of shows and events across a range of theatre spaces - from site-specific rural touring events for 50 people to shows for our 200 seat studio, our 570 seat main house and our new venue, the 800 seat William Aston Hall.
We've been open since 1976 so know a huge number of companies and our team regularly scouts new work. However, we of course still miss finding out about some amazing shows until it's too late.
If you're a professional theatre company, an independent producer or an individual performer and you’d like us to find out more about your work then we'd love you to get in touch via the form at the bottom of the page (guidance notes below).
Our Venues
We have three venues that we're predominantly booking for - however - as an organisation based in a rural setting we're also interested in small-scale work that could tour to smaller, pop-up venues.

Theatr Clwyd - Anthony Hopkins Theatre
A 570 seat proscenium-arch theatre in our home in Flintshire. Perfect for mid to large scale touring, it has a full flying system, exceptional lighting and sound capabilities.
Brilliant for theatre, stand up, concerts and dance.

Theatr Clwyd - The Mix
A 260 seat end-on theatre at our home in Flintshire. Perfect for mid to small scale touring, it has exceptional lighting and sound capabilities, but without a flying system.
Brilliant for theatre, stand up, talks, gigs and dance.

Wrexham - William Aston Hall
An 821 seat proscenium-arch theatre in Wrexham on the campus of Glyndwr University.
Perfect for large scale touring and particularly designed for concerts, gigs, bands, stand up comedy, evenings withs and talks.
Guidance Notes:
These notes are specific for this call out - we may do other calls in future for community companies, artists, actors, creatives or co-producing.
What we're looking for...
✔ Work that is professionally touring
✔ Companies where everyone is paid at least Equity minimum
✔ Touring in 2023 and 2024
✔ Work that isn’t touring but might extend its run to tour to us
✔ All genres... Theatre, music, comedy, spoken word, Evenings With…, burlesque, dance, gig, jazz, family work, podcasts, talks and tribute acts...
What we're not looking for...
✖ Unproduced scripts
✖ Shows currently with no attached creatives
✖ Clairvoyants
✖ Pitches
✖ New co-producing relationships