Heaven and Hell

Past Production

Suitcase Theatre

See dates and times  

Hell is other people…
Are we honest about our failings?
What’s on the other side?

3 plays including Sartre’s classic, Huis Clos.

“Home and Away” by Mike van der Eijk - When the inevitable end comes what happens then? This new comedy offers thought and laughter provoking answers to these age old questions...

“Purgatory” by Karen Picton - 3 powerful women in a space where time stands still-or so it seems… Cleopatra, Florence Nightingale and Marilyn Monroe. Watch as they discover each other’s past and come to terms with their new future.

Huis Clos*, Jean-Paul Sartre’s classic - Three humans, recently deceased, now find themselves in Hell, where they are soon to discover the nature of their eternal torture.

*in a new translation by Michael Stevens

Suitcase Theatre is a community theatre group based in Mold which welcomes participants of all ages and levels of experience.