Compliments & Complaints

Feedback is really important for us.
We want to know when we've done something good or not lived up to expectations.
It is important that everyone who visits or works with us - audiences, companies and communities - feel safe, valued and respected. We're always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions - it helps us improve, achieve more and make a bigger difference for everyone we serve.

Sending us a compliment or comment
Firstly, thank you!
You can get in touch with us via facebook, or by e-mailing - we'll then connect you to the best person!
(Worried about privacy? Click here to read our privacy policy)
What to do if you have a complaint
We would always suggest that where possible you speak to a member of staff about a complaint at the theatre at the time either in person or over the phone. It is often the case that we are able to resolve most issues before they have an impact on your experience with the theatre and it helps us to improve upon our service immediately if required.
If you feel that we were unable to resolve the issue then please do get in touch with Sam Freeman, Communications and Giving Director, so we can look in to the matter further.
What happens next?
We will acknowledge all complaints within five working days and aim to provide a full response within ten working days of acknowledgment of your complaint.
What if we have failed to resolve the complaint?
If you feel we have failed to address or resolve your complaint to your satisfaction through this complaints procedure you can contact one of the following:
• Flintshire Council Customer Services
• Public Services Ombudsman
• Welsh Language Commissioner
• Fundraising Regulator
• Information Commissioners Office
Your personal information
By using our complaints procedure, you are agreeing that we can use personal data you send us to complete processes required to address your complaint.
(Worried about privacy? Click here to read our privacy policy)
Fundraising Complaints
Theatr Clwyd Trust Ltd is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, an independent regulator of charity fundraising and we follow the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice.
It is important that the fundraising activity of Theatr Clwyd is carried out to the highest standard and that our supporters receive the best possible experience.
We do recognise that regrettably there may be times that we fall below that standard. If that happens, we welcome your feedback to help us improve the ways in which we fundraise and ensure that it does not happen again.
Any complaint made to Theatr Clwyd will be treated seriously, with respect and in confidence. If you would like to make a formal complaint about the way in which we fundraise please follow the steps outlined below.
Complaints Procedure
Please send your complaint to the Executive Director by email to:
Or by post to:
Liam Evans-Ford, Executive Director
Theatr Clwyd
Raikes Lane
Mold, Flintshire
Or by calling 01352 701571
We would appreciate any complaints to be made as quickly as possible after the incident has taken place to ensure that we are able to fully investigate what has happened.
We aim to acknowledge every complaint within 5 working days of receiving it and resolve the complaint as quickly as possible.
Once the complaint has been acknowledged the Executive Director will investigate it and provide you with an outcome of the investigation within 28 days of the complaint being made. Any resolution, such as an apology or change of working practice, will also be outlined at this time. If we are unable to provide a full response within 28 days we will contact you to provide an explanation and indication of when that response can be expected.
If the outcome of the investigation is not to your satisfaction, you can refer your complaint to the Fundraising Regulator. Any complaint to the Fundraising Regulator would need to be done within eight weeks of the final response from us or they may not be able to respond to your complaint.
You can contact the Fundraising Regulator via their online complaints process.
Or in writing to:
Fundraising Regulator
2nd Floor, CAN Mezzanine Building
49-51 East Road
N1 6AH
Or by calling 0300 999 3407
Monitoring Fundraising Complaints
Complaints are monitored and reported to our Board on a bi-annual basis.
We keep a record of the number of complaints received and include these in our Annual Complaints Return to the Fundraising Regulator. This does not contain any personal information but enables the Regulator to use the data charities submit to produce a report about complaints across the charity sector.
Removing Yourself from Fundraising Communications
You can choose to stop all fundraising communication from us, via the Fundraising Preference Service here:
Theatr Clwyd Trust Ltd is a registered charity: 1189857